Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Planning My Halloween Costume

So my friend Sebb-Sebbs and I went to Party City to you know, fuck around. We had an ultimate showdown with the plastic swords, scythes, machetes, knives and swords. I won, obviously. We walked around Party City and we started talking about what Halloween costumes we were going to decide on. We were wandering around the Halloween section until we accidentally fell upon the "Gothic" section (oh God). Besides the shitty accessories and the select few that I thought were cool, we say some tears of blood face tattoos. And then it hit us- let's be Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and Vampire Potter!

Dressing up as Enoby will be an easy task, since I do have most of the clothe described in the fic. I
will surely have a ball with my guy pal Sebby. I have made a polyvore for my outfit based on Chapter 1's outfit. Hopefully, I can convince my mother to let me go to Circotic so I can wear this outfit.

Da most Goffik outfit EVARRR!!!1!!!


  1. Hola que tal chica.
    Me alegra ver que retomaste el blog.
    NO se si sabes esto pero si "googleas", goth puerto rico, tu blog es lo primero que aparece:).
    Sabes de alguna fiesta interesante el 31 por el area metro?

  2. Hola anónimo! Hay unas buenas fiestas de after-party del concierto de Lady Gaga. En Brava va a haber un after party al las 11 por ahí, y va a haber otra Gaga after-party en Levels a las 11 (que es el after party oficial). Levels está en Ponce de León 1420, en Santurce, San Juan.

    1. Al final me quede por Rio Piedras, este fue mi primer año en 4 que no fui para Santurce pero la pase bien.
      Espero te hallas divertido en el "pary" de Lady Gaga.
